We came to know that our child said some untruths to his friend with a motivation to be well-liked and to impress. I was angry because when we questioned him, he was finding excuses and did not confess.
It also dawned on me that we are entering a new phase of parenting, where our child is fully capable of making choices, succumbing to temptations of the world and the flesh or leaning into God and following His ways.
We spoke to him about the seriousness of untruths and reminded him that Satan is the father of all liars (John 8:44).
He confessed, repented and renounce to God privately.
At night during our family prayers, we prayed over him, he confessed, repented and renounce once more corporately.
I confessed, repented and renounce that I was angry and pray that God help me to parent with love and not anger.
We also assured him that God is faithful to forgive and we earthly parents forgive too.
Posture of the heart
Father, you love my child more than I love my child. I commit him into your loving arms and trust that you will cover him. Help us to be good stewards of your child and mimic your love so that they see their earthly father and get a glimpse of their Heavenly Father.
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