16 Jun 2020 Brought to meet the founder of a new social media ministry. When I read the deck and video introduction, presence of God was very strong so I knew I need to meet this founder. During meeting founder explained what he is trying to...

17 May 2020 Sing to the Lord a new song,    his praise from the ends of the earth,you who go down to the sea, and all that is in it,    you islands, and all who live in them. Have a group discussing Christian enterprise and during one session I brought up an idea of...

Had an interview to hire for the startup, brought to pray for her at the end of the interview. I forgot why I started praying but it's probably she mentioned something during the interview. After I prayed she sobbed. She was ministered to. For me it...

17 May 2020 Dream: Jesus brought us to lots of places for business. NYC, London etc etc.. Jesus lined up many people for business. I wrote a book titled "Jesus, my co-founder" 29 Dec 2020 Honestly, I don't want to write anything. Just like a new Christian who...

God has been speaking about crossing Jordan river for us. That we are crossing the Jordan river and will bring many people with us across the Jordan river into the promised land. 9-10 May 2020 A brother read Joshua 3:1-17 that morning and passed it to me....

God asked me to help a friend so I ended up helping to start a fintech, learnt a lot and ministered/witnessed to many people along the way. I was enjoying myself and I felt we are about to see some results as many business to business...

22 Apr 2020 Ministered through a song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_-S1I2_r14&list=PLh7pq-mxQyM3nCq0upCfcWYW_bJfl3Qr7&index=1  在我敌人面前,你为我摆设筵席; 你用油膏了我的头, 使我的杯满溢。 6 我一生的日子,必有恩惠慈爱紧随着我; 我也要住在耶和华的殿中,直到永远 ...

I struggle with things daily. Pride, jealousy, family, work, confusion, apathy, parents, lack of love, worries, the list never ends. Feels like writing a book <A Pilgrim's Struggles> Struggling from the day I accepted Christ, suspect I will stop when I leave this world. Meanwhile press on...

20 Feb 2020 During morning prayer, I see vision of the same picture that cell leader took recently of us in worship. Saw Jesus with us. Jesus opened the door. At first I thought its to let a sister into the room, then I saw children...

15 Feb 2020 During morning prayers and worship, was crying out to God. Holy Spirit invited me to walk on ocean. Physically I walked (in my room). Spiritually I walked and gave everything to Jesus. There is absolutely nothing I want to keep for myself, I...